Having problems logging in?
Need personal support? Call the IT Helpdesk on (08) 8115 3960 (Mon-Fri 8am to 9pm [except public holidays]), or email helpdesk@safecom.sa.gov.au - in the email, please provide your member ID (if known), date of birth, middle name and current brigade or unit (to verify your identity).
Change Your Password if you can currently login.
However, if you don't know your current password you can:
- Mon-Fri 8am - 9pm (excluding public holidays)
- Call the IT Helpdesk on (08) 8115 3960 (Mon-Fri 8am to 9pm [except public holidays])
- Send an email to the Helpdesk mailbox to get it reset. Please note: include your name, current brigade, member number (if known) and date of birth.
- Any Day/Time
- Use Self Service Password Reset (SSPR) or the "forgotten my password" link during the login process.
- PLEASE NOTE: you must register to use SSPR which will require knowing your password.
Password Complexity Rules
- You cannot use part of your username as part of your password
- The minimum password length is 10 characters
Your password must use 3 out of the following 4 elements:
- Uppercase character A-Z
- Lowercase character a-z
- Number 0-9
- Special character (for example: !, $, #, %, etc.)
Note: It is suggested that you use a phrase that meets the above rules and is easy to remember, like a line from your favourite song that has a number or special character in it. However, avoid using spaces in any part of your password.