Having problems logging in?

I did not receive or have lost the letter with my initial login information
You will need to call or email the IT Helpdesk, refer below.
I have tried resetting my password, but I keep getting a message saying my security question answers are not correct.

If you are able to log in, go to Support -> Reset Your Password -> Reset Your Password Hint Questions. (or use the links below)

When resetting your Password Hint Questions prior to resetting your password, Reset Your Password Hint Questions first, log off, then log back on and reset your password.

I can't remember all my security question answers, or they are not relevant to me
Many volunteers have advised that the questions do not mean much to them or they cannot remember answers. As the answers are not validated, the same answer can be used for multiple questions.  Also you can repeat the password question registration process as many times as you wish, each time you do this your current answers will overwrite any previous answers.
Do I have to keep using the long email address as my user name when logging in?
No, you can just use your member ID.  However, when resetting passwords you MUST use your provided email address. This is in the format of FirstName.Surname@sasesvolunteer.org.au or FirstName.Surname@sacfsvolunteer.org.au

Need personal support? Call the IT Helpdesk on (08) 8115 3960 (Mon-Fri 8am to 9pm [except public holidays]), or email helpdesk@safecom.sa.gov.au - in the email, please provide your member ID (if known), date of birth, middle name and current brigade or unit (to verify your identity).

Change Your Password if you can currently login.

However, if you don't know your current password you can:

  • Mon-Fri 8am - 9pm (excluding public holidays)
    • Call the IT Helpdesk on (08) 8115 3960 (Mon-Fri 8am to 9pm [except public holidays])
    • Send an email to the Helpdesk mailbox to get it reset. Please note: include your name, current brigade, member number (if known) and date of birth.
  • Any Day/Time

Password Complexity Rules

  • You cannot use part of your username as part of your password
  • The minimum password length is 10 characters

Your password must use 3 out of the following 4 elements:

  1. Uppercase character A-Z
  2. Lowercase character a-z
  3. Number 0-9
  4. Special character (for example: !, $, #, %, etc.)

Note: It is suggested that you use a phrase that meets the above rules and is easy to remember, like a line from your favourite song that has a number or special character in it.  However, avoid using spaces in any part of your password.